Wednesday, April 28, 2021

If You Missed Out

"learn about a developing opportunity for our community.”

            The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) has plans to create a multi-million-dollar research center somewhere along the shoreline between Marinette and Sturgeon Bay. We’d like to see this new National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) built here!

Some of you might have missed the online sessions held on April 12 and April 15 discussing a fantastic opportunity for the Menominee-Marinette area. The session is now online and available for streaming. Click here to access: NERR Kick-Off Event recording


            NERR describes Green Bay as the largest freshwater estuary with “significant cultural, economic, commercial and recreational benefits” derived from its water and coastal features. But both the Bay of Green Bay and Lake Michigan “face many challenges: changing water levels, flooding, coastal erosion, and harmful algal blooms.” Establishing a NERR here will provide science, monitoring, education, and research resources to help address these challenges. The advantages of a locally based NERR center will help coordinate the management, restoration, and protection of the Green Bay ecosystem. NERR is a national network of 29 sites across the coastal U.S., including the Great Lakes, whose purpose is to protect and study estuaries and their coastal wetlands.

            The possibility of a NERR site here is a remarkable opportunity for our area. This multi-million-dollar investment will attract visitors, provide outreach to our area schools, and will help to protect our freshwater. Please watch the video for more detailed information and continue that great spirit of cooperation demonstrated during the #mymarinettemenominee small-town competition. 

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

The Spirit of Cooperation


Our region is about to be the beneficiary of an amazing gift. The National Oceanic And Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) is going to build a research center (NERR) somewhere on the Bay of Green Bay. This multi-million dollar investment will attract visitors, and provide outreach to our area schools. At a location along the shoreline between Marinette and Sturgeon Bay, the folks at Green Bay NERR are looking for a place to call homeCan our welcoming enthusiasm attract this new community partner whose purpose is at the heart of what is essential to our family, friends, neighbors - freshwater? It was not that long ago when Menominee and Marinette residents worked together during the #mymarinettemenominee small-town competition.

Residents now have this unique opportunity to show that spirit of cooperation by attending a free virtual event, the National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) Kickoff Event. The programs are scheduled for Monday, April 12, from 4 to 5 p.m. and Thursday, April 15, from 7 to 8 p.m. Both events will have live captioning. Click here for More Information & Registration

The NERR is a national network of 29 sites across the coastal US, including the Great Lakes, designed to protect and study estuaries and their coastal wetlands. It represents the various biographic regions and estuarine types in this country. This initiative should be of interest to residents. Our location meets the definition of an estuary—it is where the tide meets the stream, the tidal mouth of a large river.

The virtual event offers a look into the importance of NERR. A fact sheet from NERR states: “Green Bay is the world’s largest freshwater estuary with significant cultural, economic, commercial, and recreational benefits derived from the water and coastal features of the Bay. However, the Bay of Green Bay and Lake Michigan face many challenges: changing water levels, flooding, coastal erosion, and harmful algal blooms. Establishing a National Estuarine Research Reserve  will provide resources to help Wisconsin address these challenges with targeted science, monitoring, education, and outreach.”

A Green Bay designated  NERR facility will offer “a coordinating force to manage, restore, and protect the Green Bay ecosystem.”

Please register for this exciting event and spread the news. Encourage your friends and neighbors to do so as well.

            Additional information is available by clicking on the registration link.